WCAR MLS ONLY Subscription


MLS Subscription

REALTOR® members belonging to an association outside of West Central may gain access to the WCAR MLS system as long as the Broker office is a Participant first.

  • New Broker Office: Select “Broker” on the application to pay your office set up and quarterly.
  • REALTOR® belonging to another association: confirm that your Broker is a subscriber first, then submit your application by selecting “Agent”

Anyone applying for access during the following months will receive an invoice for the current quarter, then a second invoice for the next quarter: FEBRUARY, MARCH, MAY, JUNE, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER. No proration available.

Applications received after 3pm will be processed the next business day.

  1. Select "Agent" or "Broker" option below.
  2. Submit a completed application and pay balance due
  3. If setting up a new Broker office, instruct your agents to wait until the office is set up to apply.
  4. Our office will send MLS login credentials within 24 hours of approval. (Excluding Weekends & Holidays)
  5. MLS training is available on the FlexMLS dashboard.
  6. Familiarize yourself with current WCAR MLS Rules and Regulations.

Important: Please use the name you have on file with the Division of Real Estate.

Select Your Option(s)
Select Level
Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist